Sunday, January 24, 2010

Giving my power away

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."

Alice Walker

Where do you have power?

After years of learning about power, at times I still give it away.

One way is I allow others to decide if I am enough, OK, smart, or worthy... It is a very old habit, one that I could dwell in comfortably uncomfortable for the rest of my days. I feel fortunate to have found some paths out of it. I am motivated. When I see my lovely friends, colleagues and clients admit this same syndrome it makes me sad. Such a waste... can't they see they are OK, worthy, and more than enough? Can't I?

The other way I give it away is when I focus on how others should change and don't examine my part in the dance. It is gratifying to blame others for my condition (see for some great materials on this) and empty. I have focused on how my husband could change and grow for years (sorry honey) and only in the past years truly explored what was going on as our shared dance. Change my dance steps and it is possible for the dance to change.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Marcia!

    I hope you are enjoying "Beautiful Brussels"!! If you haven't yet, be sure and try the chocolates at Leonidas, it is the local Belgian favorite gourmet chocolate, and a fraction of the price of Godiva.

    Thank you for this lovely reflection on power. On with creating our dance steps! This is a treasured reminder. Thanks so much.

