Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Energy follows thought

Energy follows thought so what am I giving energy to?

Life is way to short to have my task master voice channel all my energy on the
"to do" list. Lately, I have been struggling to maintain my self-care practices let alone pursue the creative endeavors I have been longing for. So I journaled a dialogue between my task master voice and my creative queen voice. It helped to give her some journal air time. She has negotiated for 2-3 hours each morning to do as she pleases. So far that involved laying in bed after the alarm and stretching; journaling, reading Flow, exercising, staring and meditating. I love this space. And I hear my task master voice impatiently nipping at the time -- "How about we just download the e-mails now." or "Do you really need 3 hours today?" And the creative queen voice in my head responds in a languorous, southern voice. "Now honey, wait your turn. You know this is good for you. You will do better work having spent some time with me." I know hearing voices is a mental health issue. In this case, it is enhancing mine.

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